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× Welcome to one of the oldest board game communities on the Internet. That may sound like hyperbole but it really is true.

We are really happy to have you here. Unfortunately, being online we can't bond with you over a game so you'd know right away how happy we are to meet you. For now, you'll just have to take our word for it.

This site has always thrived on lively discussion and spirited but civil debate. We hope that newcomers here will find a welcoming atmosphere where game enthusiasts of all levels of experience and commitment will have something to add to the conversation. You never need to prove your “gamer cred” here. Whether you have been playing board games for a few months or a few decades; whether you have a huge collection or a small one; whether you have been a member here for years or just joined today – your opinion is valued here.

We know that it can be intimidating to jump into a new community and want to assure you that this is NOT the kind of forum where people will tell you that you posted something in the wrong place, or that you should have found an existing thread on the topic, or that you shouldn’t have resurrected an old thread.

So if you find a thread or an article discussion that interests you, whether it is old or new, feel free to jump in. Want to discuss a specific game or board gaming related topic just start a new topic. If you don’t know which forum to put it in, just make your best guess (we really don’t care all that much. It’s easy enough for a moderator to move it or merge it, if necessary).

A good place to get started is by introducing yourself in the “New Members Introduce Yourself” thread (below) or by telling us what you have been playing in the “What BOARD GAME(s) have you been playing?" thread ( ).

Have fun, and we look forward to hearing from you.

New Members Introduce Yourself

03 Apr 2013 16:47 #149474 by jeb

VaGrog wrote: It was Miami in the '80s.
I witnessed a shootout between "cowboys" and the DEA while I was waiting at a BK drive-through. I didn't see much as I was trying to guess where in the middle of the floorboards of my car would put the engine block, a giant hunk of Detroit Iron at the time, between the flying bullets and my body!

I smell a Kickstarter! I see it as hex based area control on the strategic level, with a tactical GALAXY TRUCKER-like sub game as the bullets fly and you need to cower behind Jersey barriers, baby strollers, and the like. Who's with me?

The following user(s) said Thank You: VaGrog

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03 Apr 2013 19:53 #149498 by repoman
Welcome VA...we'll get you a "senior" membership card and teach you the secret hand shake soon. Must of the knuckle dragging mouth breathers on this site are far too young to know anything about those games you mention but there are a few elder statesmen that remember the old days.

Welcome aboard.
The following user(s) said Thank You: VaGrog

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03 Apr 2013 20:43 #149499 by mikecl
Hey VA. One of the first board games I played (also back in the 70's) was Charles S Roberts Tactics II. I'm not much into wargames these days but it's always nice to welcome a veteran gamer. So...welcome!
The following user(s) said Thank You: VaGrog

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04 Apr 2013 00:52 #149523 by SuperflyPete
Yes, Mike, we need to hook up. I love the old U-Boat and Tactics II. I've owned six copies of T2 in my life...I keep giving them to friends. Andy got my last copy..unpunched, no less, via Satan.

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08 Apr 2013 19:32 #149894 by wesbaker
Hey there, my name is Wes and I live in Fredericksburg, VA. I'll play just about any game once, though I'd rather play something with a lot of player interaction, something like Cosmic Encounter or The Resistance.

It all started with your standard board games that I ignored one way or another and at some random yard sale I found a copy of Thunder Road and played a lot of that. However, I started playing video games and left board games for a while. Then at some point in college someone introduced me to Settlers of Catan and I really enjoyed it since it had been a while since I had played a board game and I remembered games like Monopoly and Sorry moreso than Thunder Road. I ended up buying it and playing it a few times, but then ignored them again, this time due to work.

Now, three years ago or so I decided to buy a few games and ended up with a few of your standard gateway euros and a copy of Cosmic Encounter, which sadly sat unplayed and unloved for a year or two until someone brought it to the weekly meetup and I asked to play. After I played that, I started to see that a game wasn't about mechanics, wooden bits, or plastic; it's all about the stories that come out of them.

At this point, my collection is reasonably big (limited to two bookshelves), though I'm always looking to both add to it and trim it down, which frustrates the hell out of me. I tend towards higher player interaction (Cosmic Encounter, The Resistance, Conquest of Nerath, King of Tokyo, Libertalia, Merchants & Marauders, Tammany Hall, Legend of Drizzt) and avoid most JASEs that I come in contact with, though I do have a few I like in my collection (Thurn and Taxis, Castles of Burgundy, Flash Point, and Saint Petersburg). I also have been dabbling with some wargames like Conflict of Heroes, Twilight Struggle, and Band of Brothers, but finding opponents is tough.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ubarose, jeb, Dr. Mabuse, Hatchling, san il defanso

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08 Apr 2013 20:04 #149901 by san il defanso
Welcome to the Fort, Wes.

And you clearly have fine taste in games.

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08 Apr 2013 20:06 #149902 by jeb
Despite the name, we're ecumenical about games here. You can like whatever you want. Like you said, we like the stories that come from games more than the games themselves, most of the time. Except for AGRICOLA. Fuck that game.
The following user(s) said Thank You: san il defanso, wadenels

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08 Apr 2013 20:22 #149904 by wesbaker

jeb wrote: Despite the name, we're ecumenical about games here. You can like whatever you want. Like you said, we like the stories that come from games more than the games themselves, most of the time. Except for AGRICOLA. Fuck that game.

So my story involving a house sheep should remain untold?
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dr. Mabuse

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08 Apr 2013 21:12 #149911 by Black Barney
Don't worry Wes, calling Twilight Struggle a wargame won't get you flamed on this site. You are amongst friends here.

btw I loved you in the Spiderman movies
The following user(s) said Thank You: jeb, Josh Look

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08 Apr 2013 21:19 #149913 by MattFantastic

jeb wrote: Despite the name, we're ecumenical about games here. You can like whatever you want. Like you said, we like the stories that come from games more than the games themselves, most of the time. Except for AGRICOLA. Fuck that game.

I'd rather play with my house sheep than Jeb. Agricola 4 eva!
The following user(s) said Thank You: jeb

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09 Apr 2013 01:56 #149937 by Not Sure
There's even some fucking heathen savages around here who don't like Cosmic Encounter, and they get to stay.

Do what ya like.
The following user(s) said Thank You: jeb, wadenels, wesbaker

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09 Apr 2013 02:00 #149938 by gversace
Semi-long time lurker, just started posting. The discussions over at TOS have started to annoy me, so here I am. I tend to care for theme more than mechanics, although Through the Ages and Le Havre are two of my favorites, so I guess I like chit- and annoying disc-pushing as well.

Currently in kickstarter remission. Managed to avoid most of the bad ones, though, except for Glory to Rome (although my copy is fine) and Up Front (dammit).

My closest encounter with the F:ATties was at the WBC open gaming table right below some of you playing Twilight Imperium on Saturday evening. You all seem very...enthusiastic.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ubarose, jeb, Jason Lutes, Sagrilarus, engineer Al, Erik Twice

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09 Apr 2013 02:12 #149939 by ChristopherMD

This is for all you new people. I only have one rule. Everyone fights. No one quits. You don't do your job, I'll shoot you myself.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ska_baron, wadenels

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09 Apr 2013 02:16 #149940 by san il defanso

jeb wrote: Despite the name, we're ecumenical about games here. You can like whatever you want. Like you said, we like the stories that come from games more than the games themselves, most of the time. Except for AGRICOLA. Fuck that game.

Just wait until my article tomorrow. We'll make this place Fortress: Eurogame yet.

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09 Apr 2013 18:19 #149993 by Erik Twice
Welcome to the site Gversace!

Is it safe to post about Steam yet? I can even deride your Power Grid San Il Defanso! =P

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